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Friday, May 20, 2005

Rick Santorum, You're A Big Fat Hypocrite!

In early March of 2005, Senator Robert Byrd addressed Congress with a bit of a history lesson.

"We, unlike Nazi Germany or Mussolini's Italy, have never stopped being a nation of laws, not of men," Byrd said. "But witness how men with motives and a majority can manipulate law to cruel and unjust ends."

Byrd then quoted historian Alan Bullock, saying Hitler "turned the law inside out and made illegality legal."

And then Rick Santorum took the opportunity to launch into an outrageous hissy fit.

"Senator Byrd's inappropriate remarks comparing his Republican colleagues with Nazis are inexcusable," Santorum said in a statement yesterday. "These comments lessen the credibility of the senator and the decorum of the Senate. He should retract his statement and ask for pardon."

But then on May 19,2005 Rick Santorum had another hissy fit.

"And the audacity of some members to stand up and say, 'How dare you break this rule." It's the equivalent of Adolf Hitler in 1942, "I'm in Paris. How dare you invade me. How dare you bomb my city? It's mine.' This is no more the rule of the Senate than it was the rule of the Senate
before not to filibuster.

Oops! Looks like Rick blew it.

And then he realized what he'd done. But did he retract his statement and ask for pardon like he advised Senator Byrd to do? After all, that would be the honest and honorable thing to do.

Oops! He blew it again. Here's the way he 'retracts' his statement and 'asks for pardon'.

"Referencing Hitler was meant to dramatize the principle of an argument, not to characterize my Democratic colleagues." He says he "meant no offense".

Write to Rick Santorum. Tell him he's a shining example of Republican hypocrisy.


  • At 3:46 PM, Blogger Mike in Texas said…

    My letter to Rick Santorum.

    Dear Senator Santorum,

    Remember when you said this?

    "Senator Byrd's inappropriate remarks comparing his Republican colleagues with Nazis are inexcusable," Santorum said in a statement yesterday. "These comments lessen the credibility of the senator and the decorum of the Senate. He should retract his statement and ask for pardon."

    Now that you've compared Democrats to Nazis, can we expect you to retract your statement and ask for pardon?

    Or should we expect you to be a shining symbol of Republican hypocrisy?


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